UITagenda November 2017 LUCY tipt!
http://www.lucyindelucht.nl/te-zien/after-image-in-exbunker https://www.uitagendautrecht.nl/uitagenda-utrecht-magazine/uitagenda-nov-2017...
After Image - EXbunker
4 november - 26 november ZA-ZO 13.00 tot 18.00 “After Image” is een installatie over alledaagse perceptie. Het toont een reflectie op de...
Open Studio's
Op 28 en 29 oktober stellen de kunstenaars, vormgevers en andere creatieven van het pand Draaiweg 51 in Utrecht hun studio open voor...
Open Studio - Draaiweg 51 - Utrecht
Open Studios | 7 & 8 November 2015 | 12.00 - 17.00 | Draaiweg 51 Utrecht
'Onder Controle' - Utrecht Down Under - Utrecht
The exhibition 'Onder Controle, actuele beeldende kunst in de gevangenis', organised by Utrecht Down Under and Kunstliefde, will be held...
Essay graduation show 'Iridescence'
Download here the essay 'The Coloured Perspective': www.joycevlaming.com/Essay-graduation.pdf
Graduation Show 'Iridescence' - Festival of Choices - Amsterdam
Sandberg Festival of Choices at Frankendael, buitenhuis voor actuele kunst in Amsterdam Opening: Thursday 26 June 2014 at 20.30 The...
Nomination kf Hein Kunststipendium
The kfHein Foundation selected four artists for the art stipend that they provide ones every two years. The winning artist obtains an...
Digital? Analogue! - Huis Marseille - Amsterdam
The Dutch photomuseum Huis Marseille pays tribute to analog photography by dedicating an exhibition to the character and work of master...
'Les (in)controles' - CWB - Paris
The exhibition Les (in)controles shows a selection of photographs presented at BIP2010 (OUT OF) CONTROL, including a couple of my...